Thursday, December 17, 2009

Military Could Use iPhones to Track Friends, Enemies in War

Military Could Use iPhones to Track Friends, Enemies in War

That is some pretty cool technology developed by Raytheon. And if ever Raytheon goes into the video game business their developers could develop some great strategy games.

The original article from the New York Times appeared in the Bits Blog.
The press releases from Raytheon can be found here and here.

I would assume that Apple would need to make a more rugged version of the iPod to turn it into a useful tool in the battlefield (No Doubt Mission Assurance and everything.) The biggest struggle might be for Raytheon and the US government to convince the image-conscious Apple to go for something like that!

1 comment:

  1. The above should come with a number of caveats:

    1. The construction quality of an iPhone leaves a lot to be desired for even in peacetime urban use. I really can't see them turning the iPhone into a Mil-Spec product.
    2. It drops connections all the time.

    I guess they could just used the software on different hardware or just use a blackberry which can take quite a few hits (at least my 8820 has proven itself time and again :))
